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Open 24/7


Birthday Parties

You might think it's just a birthday. But every birthday is a big deal. An appreciation of life and everyone wana party and pose. We bring you the best mixes to make sure your birthday is one you keep remembering

Weddings & Engagement

Music is definitely the last memory your wedding guests will take with them on your big day. We make sure that your knot tying really goes out with a bang! To us, dropping the beats isn't just a job, but a pure passion.

Corporate Events

We are experienced with playing in the corporate world. Experienced with High class events, work gigs, dinner parties, garden softs, home melows and the likes. We bring professionalism to your corporate events too.

Outdoor Events

What is an outdoor event without a loud buzz and a base line to pull in crowds from the streets. We have the right deks, base bins and tunes to make your community events a success.

Religious Events

We can take it away from secular to Gospel, It's something we do well. Brining the best of gospel mixes R n B, Hip Hop, Afro-Beats and all sorts to your Church gathering is all within our reach.

Live Band Support

Are you an individual or a live band looking for a DJ to support your party? It's a known service we render. We collaborate with bands to keep the hall buzzing till the end of the party.

Happy Customers




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